Bangonpictures Stock Imagery

Bangonpictures Stock Imagery

Bangonpictures Stock Imagery

hmmm and everything else..

9 stories

Norman Rockwell’s ‘self portrait.’ All the Rockwell faces have been replaced with HAL 9000 from Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’ His signature has been modified with a series of rotations and extra symbols. He has ten fingers on his one visible hand. Image: Cryteria (modified) CC BY 3.0
A CCTV observation room, in which a blurry male figure watches a large bank of monitors. Each monitor is displaying a laughing clown, whose nose has been replaced with the menacing red eye of HAL 9000 from Stanley Kubrick’s ‘2001: A Space Odyssey.’ Image: Cryteria (modified) CC BY 3.0 — West Midlands Police (modified) CC BY-SA
Bangonpictures Stock Imagery

Bangonpictures Stock Imagery

Founded on 2018 in the Alma City, in the Canadian Province of Quebec. It has a wide selection of Imagery to help you in your Creations.